O Espaço
O Espaço (The Space) explores the intricate spectrum of human movement, beginning with the heartbeat as the foundation of life. The film delves into the spaces where these movements—and the essence of existence itself—are revealed and brought to light, allowing us and others to bear witness. This piece is co-presented by The Bentway and Art Spin.

"How much information do we need to understand how much space we take up in whatever place we find ourselves? For me, we already have more than enough information to answer this question through the movements we make, minute-to-minute, and day-to-day. We are always in movement, even when we sleep, and the spaces we occupy help give meaning to our every movement wherever we might be."  - Pulga Muchochoma.

Co-presented by The Bentway and Art Spin
Performed at Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Pulse Topology installation presented by The Bentway & Exhibition Place
Creative Direction by Art Spin Curators Layne Hinton and Rui Pimenta
Choreography and Performance by Pulga Muchochoma
Director of photography and editing by Jeremy Mimnagh

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