Directed, conceived and developed through a distinctly IBPOC lens, New Monuments asks tough questions - Do the statues that adorn our public spaces speak to values that represent us as a city, and elevate our values of freedom and diversity? Should they be dismantled piece by piece? What are the new standards that define us, and which ones should make the cut? - and then proceeds to answer some of them, by imagining a future world where racist monuments no longer exist, and where IBPOC art and activism continue to seamlessly intersect.
On the shores of Lake Ontario, over 40 dancers from across Toronto take us on a cathartic journey of purpose—from the beginning of colonization to a more hopeful and equitable future.
Dance Companies of New Monuments 
Red Sky Performance
Sze-Yang Company
Esie Mensah
National Ballet of Canada
DNA Stage
Moon Runners
Holla Jazz
Additional Performances by Ravyn Wngz
A Dish with One Spoon, The Power of the Land, and Mother Earth written and performed by Elder Duke Redbird

New Monuments is co-Produced by Canadian Stage and Luminato Festival Toronto in association with Harbourfront Centre, National Arts Centre, and TO Live. Curated by Julien Christian Lutz PKA Director X and Umbereen Inayet Lead Choreographer Tanisha Scott Film Directed by Karen Chapman
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